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How you invariably switch roles between Customer and Service provider

Our roles revolve around giving and receiving.

Dear Vibrant Young Mind,

We trust you are strengthening your willpower to succeed in your career, and developing a loyal desire to advance the best interests of your Organization.

Remind yourself this simple fact before you start your workday. “Your Organization came into existence, because your Customer has a need”. The customer's need might be in the form of product development, support and maintenance or technology upgrade. Bottom line, your customer is seeking the specialized knowledge and skills that your organization and you possess, in order to grow and sustain their business.

Your organization's growth and success depends on how well you can serve your customer, and in return, how your Customers can serve theirs. If you observe your day-to-day life, you are invariably switching between two primary roles all through the day; you are a Customer or a Service Provider. Let's see how we switch between the two primary roles in our day to day life.


As a Customer, it is very natural for all of us to expect the best service from our Service provider. Think deeply about what makes you go back to the same service provider. Is it their friendly interaction, high-quality service, unique product, value for the money, the excellence that they exhibit to make you feel good about yourself or a combination of these?

When you walk into your Organization, you are bound to play the role of a Service provider to your Customers. The service provider role that you play may vary from being a developer, support specialist, lead or an architect. In order to succeed in your career and advance the interests of your organization, put yourself into your Customers' shoes and ask yourself, what else can I do to retain them as a life-long Customer for my Organization.

As a Service provider, on behalf of your Organization, strive to deliver outstanding services to your Customers.

At the end of your workday, ask yourself this simple question.

Did I provide high-quality service to my Organization that I would expect as a Customer?

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